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Innovation Meets Sustainability: Solar Hybrid Systems in Remote Construction

The extensive use of plant equipment in construction poses challenges to emissions reduction, demanding creative approaches in equipment selection and construction methodology. The Bruce...

Checking In on Restored and Wild Streams Over Time

Stream restoration projects are usually intended to improve fluvial processes and stability and to restore ecological functions. Langhammer et al. (2023) evaluated three of...
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Evaluating Restoration Success

Restoring the ecosystem services and functions of areas that hold or convey water is a widespread practice, often accompanied by evaluations of the success of that effort.

Drones: A Practical Investment for MS4 Programs

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA, is a designated Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) with a population of approximately 200,000 residents. The...

Thinking of Forests and Beaches

This is the time of year when many folks are planning to head to the woods or the beach for a summer vacation, so...

Exploring Erosion of Reclaimed Coal Refuse Impoundments

Disposed refuse material resulting from the preparation of mined coal is often deposited in coal refuse (tailings) impoundments. The coal refuse consists of a...

P-ACB Pavement for Better Performance and Less Maintenance

Communities across the nation are faced with growing pressures to better address the persistent challenge of urban stormwater. Permeable pavement was developed to overcome...

Hybrid Infrastructure: A Solution for Tomorrow’s Challenges

Gray, no, green! Green, no, gray! No, this is not the latest dress color controversy from nearly a decade ago. Instead, it is a...

Using Filtration in Basins to Meet Water Quality Requirements

In most areas, stormwater basins or ponds are the most common means of stormwater management. Basins have a proven history of being a cost-effective...

Accurate Chemical Dosing for Safe and Effective Stormwater Management

Chemical treatments, as authorized in the 2022 EPA Construction General Permit, have proven to be effective tools in both erosion and sediment control applications. Properly deployed, such treatments have consistently delivered positive results in removing sediment from stormwater runoff and also in making soils less vulnerable to erosion.
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