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Green Upgrades for a Downstream Neighborhood

Richmond, Virginia, USA, is a city with a rich and checkered history, from being the capital of the Confederacy during the American Civil War...

Long-term Use of Post-construction Stormwater Designs

Imagine walking onto a completed construction site. The grass is green; the structures are installed and fencing is in place around the stormwater basins....

Harnessing AI-Powered Tools for Compliance

With the rapid proliferation and growth in the capability of artificial intelligence (AI)-based applications, many industries have begun to explore their use to streamline...

P-ACB Pavement for Better Performance and Less Maintenance

Communities across the nation are faced with growing pressures to better address the persistent challenge of urban stormwater. Permeable pavement was developed to overcome...

Innovation Recharges Stormwater Treatment through Electrical Flocculation Research

Stormwater runoff is a leading source of water quality impairment in the United States. The most common pollutants carried by stormwater include sediment, pathogens,...

Demonstrating the Beauty of Wetlands and Stormwater Treatment

When a suburban wetland complex threatened the water quality of a nearby lake and an undeveloped area between the two bodies of water, a...

Hydrologic Effects Due to Watershed Wildfires

Wildfire is a natural phenomenon that can drastically alter watershed hydrologic conditions. Watersheds that experience wildfires can produce peak flows orders of magnitude greater...

Embrace STEM for Success

Erosion control and stormwater companies are often seen simply as environmental service providers. However, your businesses are deeply rooted in science, technology, engineering and...

How Soil Properties Influence Mud Removal from Tires

One of the most common sediment management problems on construction sites is mud deposited on roads by vehicles, commonly referred to as “track-out,” as...

Oysters and Otters Help Protect Shorelines

Teaming up with nature to protect shorelines usually conjures up the use of various types of native plants to stabilize the banks. However, members...