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Enhancing Stormwater Management: The Automated Outlet Structure

Stormwater detention systems gained prominence in the mid to late 20th century as environmental awareness grew. In the United States, The Clean Water Act...

Effective Continuous Total Suspended Solids Measurement

Erosion control on construction sites in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city is an ongoing challenge. Auckland is on an isthmus with many coastal catchments...

Nuisance Flood Resolution and Private Landowners’ Challenges

In autumn 2013, a series of storms, including Hurricane Dorian, impacted a swath of the country from the Midwest to the East Coast. For...

Checking In on Restored and Wild Streams Over Time

Stream restoration projects are usually intended to improve fluvial processes and stability and to restore ecological functions. Langhammer et al. (2023) evaluated three of...

Why Culture and Words Matter

One saying I often use is, “Words either wow or wound, so use them carefully!” People who are intentional and thoughtful about the words...

Effective Polymer Application to Dewater Sediment Ponds

A site contractor has a three-fold objective: Produce a quality product. Finish the job on time. Don’t lose your profit. Difficult to do, but possible if unexpected problems...

Innovation Meets Sustainability: Solar Hybrid Systems in Remote Construction

The extensive use of plant equipment in construction poses challenges to emissions reduction, demanding creative approaches in equipment selection and construction methodology. The Bruce...

Plant and Water Quality Dynamics in Constructed Wetlands

Constructed wetlands are usually planted and/or seeded with plant species native to that area. However, as with any disturbed area, invasive, non-native species may...

Designing To Achieve a Lower Salt Future

Chloride has promoted itself to a pollutant of top concern in many cold climates and highly populated regions of the world. In the United...

Enhance Sediment Capture with Polymers in Lined Ditches and Channels

Contractors often use open ditches to convey water from one location to another on construction sites. An inherent problem with this practice is that...