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Oysters and Otters Help Protect Shorelines

Teaming up with nature to protect shorelines usually conjures up the use of various types of native plants to stabilize the banks. However, members...

Evaluating Restoration Success

Restoring the ecosystem services and functions of areas that hold or convey water is a widespread practice, often accompanied by evaluations of the success of that effort.

Thinking of Forests and Beaches

This is the time of year when many folks are planning to head to the woods or the beach for a summer vacation, so...

Streams in Transition

Humans have attempted to “tame” streams through channelization and bank hardening for centuries. More recently, a better understanding of stream processes and ecosystem services...

Factors in Erosion Control

Most folks involved in erosion and sediment control have an opinion about the most important factors in determining how well this is done on...

Covering the Soil: What’s Best?

Many of us have heard the mantra about soil erosion prevention that goes something like: “It’s the cover, dummy!” Many studies have shown that...

Constructed Wetlands: Positive and Negative Impacts

Runoff from urban areas was first recognized as a problem for receiving waters in terms of too much volume in too short of a...

Timelines for Stabilizing Disturbed Land

When land disturbing activities occur, a great deal of sediment can be generated from rain and wind, but often, at some point, an attempt...

Wetland Response to Climate Change

Climate change is expected to have numerous effects, including more intense storms, periods of drought and rising sea levels. These effects are likely to...